Published Works

Brooke Palmer’s

Published Pieces


The Trans-Cosmic
Ultra-Organic Energy Spa

Book Cover_thumbnail

I sent the “crazy” email after I’d had a mind-opening, spiritual experience in my bathtub. I know, it sounds like such a non-profound place for an experience so inspiring. At the time of my “awakening,” the room in which my clawfoot tub lives was still mostly just a bathroom and in its infant stages of becoming what I now refer to as my spa room, or nature spa sanctuary. Once my mind and soul had become so clear through a simple spontaneous practice of opening myself up to the universe while soaking in the bath, I began to cultivate the experience, and in so doing, created the perfect environment for continual repetition of similar “tuning in” experiences. While I am not an “expert” in meditation, metaphysics, or spiritualism, I have found that following some simple steps helps me cultivate and practice the spa experience. I want others to tap into the clarity of perception that I have tapped into. So I have created a number of spa exercises to help guide others according to certain intents. Hence this book.

The Trans-Cosmic, Ultra-Organic Energy Spa… by Palmer, Brooke (

Ghost Devil Country
A Terror Trilogy

A lonely teenage girl seeks erotic attention from the afterlife, a well-meaning family social experiment goes awry, and a disturbed young man desperately craves relief from his romantic insecurities in Ghost Devil Country: A Terror Trilogy. Covering a spectrum of horror sub-genres, this e-book collection of 3 short stories is available—free of charge—upon request. To obtain your copy, visit the Contact page or email me directly at [email protected]

Ghost Devil Country


San Antonio Current

Music After Sunset
A Crawl Through the San Antonio Club Scene

Mi Tierra Es Su Tierra: After Sunset – Mi Tierra Es Su Tierra | San Antonio | San Antonio Current (

Tattoos, hair farmers, and heavy-metal jukeboxes: After Sunset | Music Stories & Interviews | San Antonio | San Antonio Current (

Playing to the room: Music: After Sunset | Music Stories & Interviews | San Antonio | San Antonio Current (

Jazz catharsis: Music : After sunset | San Antonio | San Antonio Current (

Running for covers at Broadway bar: Music After Sunset | San Antonio | San Antonio Current (

Symphony meets funky dance tracks on New Year’s Eve: Music After sunset | Music Stories & Interviews | San Antonio | San Antonio Current (

Metal institution: Music : Metal institution | San Antonio | San Antonio Current (

Night clubs Bukowski on Brook Hollow: Night clubs Bukowski on Brook Hollow | San Antonio | San Antonio Current (

Page Turner: Page Turner | San Antonio | San Antonio Current (

Rainbow Coalition: Music After Sunset | San Antonio | San Antonio Current (

Jumping Jack’s: Music After Sunset | San Antonio | San Antonio Current (

Stepping into the limelight: Music After Sunset | Music Stories & Interviews | San Antonio | San Antonio Current (

The Davenport’s dance-floor mayhem: Music After sunset | Music Stories & Interviews | San Antonio | San Antonio Current (

Music Atomix energy fuels change of seasons: Music Atomix energy fuels change of seasons | Music Stories & Interviews | San Antonio | San Antonio Current (

Sonny Nights: Music After sunset | San Antonio | San Antonio Current (

Pianos, tube tops, and booty pants: Music After Sunset | San Antonio | San Antonio Current (

Havana’s Club Cohiba: After Sunset | Music Stories & Interviews | San Antonio | San Antonio Current (


In this episode, Brooke Palmer, a Kansas City native, reflects on how diversity positively affected her education. She then hosts a panel discussion about several contemporary topics with a diverse group of high school students who are friends and appreciate their diversity. These teens, Carmen, Sanaa, Mion and Jude, are part of a larger group of friends who think and feel their differences are inspiring and beneficial. They call themselves, “Saving The World.”

Saving The World • KKFI